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The Story of Philosophy chronicles the ideas of the great
thinkers, the economic and intellectual environments which
influenced them, and the personal traits and adventures out of
which each philosophy grew.
Preface to the Second Edition
To the Reader
Introduction: On the Uses of Philosophy
Chapter 1: Plato
I. The Context of Plato 1
II. Socrates
III. The Preparation of Plato
IV. The Ethical Problem
V. The Political Problem
VI. The Psychological Problem
VII. The Psychological Solution
VIII. The Political Solution
IX. The Ethical Solution
X. Criticism
Chapter 2: Aristotle and Greek Science
I. The Historical Background
II. The Work of Aristotle
III. The Foundation of Logic
IV. The Organization of Science
1. Greek Science before Aristotle
2. Aristotle as a Naturalist
3. The Foundation of Biology
V. Metaphysics and the Nature of God
VI. Psychology and the Nature of Art
VII. Ethics and the Nature of Happiness
VIII. Politics
1. Communism and Conservatism
2. Marriage and Education
3. Democracy and Aristocracy
IX. Criticism
X. Later Life and Death
Chapter 3: Francis Bacon
I. From Aristotle to the Renaissance
II. The Political Career of Francis Bacon
III. The Essays
IV. The Great Reconstruction
1. The Advancement of Learning
2. The New Organon
3. The Utopia of Science
V. Criticism
VI. Epilogue
Chapter 4: Spinoza
I. Historical and Biographical
1. The Odyssey of the Jews
2. The Education of Spinoza
3. Excommunication
4. Retirement and Death
II. The Treatise on Religion and the State
III. The Improvement of the Intellect
IV. The Ethics
1. Nature and God
2. Matter and Mind
3. Intelligence and Morals
4. Religion and Immortality
V. The Political Treatise
VI. The Influence of Spinoza
Chapter 5: Voltaire and the French Enlightenment
I. Paris: ?dipe
II. London: Letters on the English
III. Cirey: The Romances
IV. Potsdam and Frederick
V. Les Délices: The Essay on Morals
VI. Ferney: Candide
VII. The Encyclopedia and the Philosophic Dictionary
VIII. ?crasez l'Infame
IX. Voltaire and Rousseau
X. Dénouement
Chapter 6: Immanuel Kant and German Idealism
I. Roads to Kant
1. From Voltaire to Kant
2. From Locke to Kant
3. From Rousseau to Kant
II. Kant Himself
III. The Critique of Pure Reason
1. Transcendental Esthetic
2. Transcendental Analytic
3. Transcendental Dialectic
IV. The Critique of Practical Reason
V. On Religion and Reason
VI. On Politics and Eternal Peace
VII. Criticism and Estimate
VIII. A Note on Hegel
Chapter 7: Schopenhauer
I. The Age
II. The Man
III. The World as Idea
IV. The World as Will
1. The Will to Live
2. The Will to Reproduce
V. The World as Evil
VI. The Wisdom of Life
1. Philosophy
2. Genius
3. Art
4. Religion
VII. The Wisdom of Death
VIII. Criticism
Chapter 8: Herbert Spencer
I. Comte and Darwin
II. The Development of Spencer
III. First Principles
1. The Unknowable
2. Evolution
IV. Biology: The Evolution of Life
V. Psychology: The Evolution of Mind
VI. Sociology: The Evolution of Society
VII. Ethics: The Evolution of Morals
VIII. Criticism
1. First Principles
2. Biology and Psychology
3. Sociology and Ethics
IX. Conclusion
Chapter 9: Friedrich Nietzsche
I. The Lineage of Nietzsche
II. Youth
III. Nietzsche and Wagner
IV. The Song of Zarathustra
V. Hero-Morality
VI. The Superman
VII. Decadence
VIII. Aristocracy
IX. Criticism
X. Finale
Chapter 10: Contemporary European Philosophers
I. Henri Bergson
1. The Revolt Against Materialism
2. Mind and Brain
3. Creative Evolution
4. Criticism
II. Benedetto Croce
1. The Man
2. The Philosophy of the Spirit
3. What Is Beauty?
4. Criticism
III. Bertrand Russell
1. The Logician
2. The Reformer
3. Epilogue
Chapter 11: Contemporary American Philosophers Introduction
I. George Santayana
1. Biographical
2. Scepticism and Animal Faith
3. Reason in Science
4. Reason in Religion
5. Reason in Society
6. Comment
II. William James
1. Personal
2. Pragmatism
3. Pluralism
4. Comment
III. John Dewey
1. Education
2. Instrumentalism
3. Science and Politics
WILL DURANT (1885-1981) was awarded the Pulitzer Prize (1968)
and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1977). He spent over fifty
years writing his critically acclaimed eleven-volume series, The
Story of Civilization (the later volumes written in conjunction
with his wife, Ariel). A champion of human rights issues such as
the brotherhood of man and social reform long before such issues
were popular, Durant, through his writings, continues to educate
and entertain readers the world over.
A brilliant and concise account of the lives and ideas of the
great philosophers--Plato, Aristotle, Bacon, Spinoza, Voltaire,
Kant, Schopenhauer, Spencer, Nietzsche, Bergson, Croce, Russell,
Santayana, James and Dewey--The Story of Philosophy is one of the
great books of our time. The Story of Philosophy is a key book for
any reader who wishes to survey the history and development of
philosophical ideas in the Western world.
The Story of Philosophy chronicles the ideas of the great thinkers, the economic and intellectual environments which influenced them, and the personal traits and adventures out of which each philosophy grew.
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